Do you ever feel like the back-up friend? The one that they hit up when everybody else bails out on them. The one they hit up only when they need something. The one they hit up when nobody else wants to talk. Always the back-up, never the first priority? Yeah, it sucks.
I have always advocated that love knows no gender. Not everyone understands and accepts this. Some are being ridiculed and bullied and some have become subjects of gossips, discrimination, and threats . I am all for love. I am all for everyone's individuality. B i P r i d e . Take care. Lots of love, Aya Keep Calm photo from
One of my fave Youtubers and bloggers Tyler Oakley b arely survived watching the most annoying thing ever on the internet which is a ten-minute video gone viral showing Marty the Zebra (voiced by Chris Rock) singing the Afro Circus and dancing to it repeatedly! Taking Tyler's cue, I watched the Afro Circus and I thought I was gonna die three minutes to the video but I ended memorizing the dance steps. It is still ringing in my head and it does not want to effing go away!! This is something I would not wish even for my worst enemies or haters to watch. Cruel, the video is. :P Watch this at your own risk: Circus Afro 10 Minute Challenge: From the movie: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted I could say that the best part of the video is when it ended. Lyrics: dadadadadadadada circus dadadadadadadada afro circus afro circus afro Polkadot Polkadot Polkadot Afro And here is T...
Thank you for checking my blog! Y our every visit to my blog is very much appreciated. It brings me happiness to know that you take time reading or just viewing the photos and my style boards. Entry Pageviews Philippines 412 Russia 132 United States 115 Germany 13 Canada 4 Malaysia 5 South Korea 2 Turkey 2 Australia 1 United Kingdom 8 Greece 4 Japan 1 Venezuela 2 South Korea 5 Singapore 2 Czech Republic 3 Serbia 3 Boliva 1 Pageviews by Browsers Pageviews by Operating Systems Seriously?! I am amazed. Thanks guys! D on't forget to comment on my posts. :) I want to know what you think. L ove, Aya Please check my other blog, too!
A Lemon Is A Lemon Is A Lemon But This Isn't by ayapowers featuring a pleated skirt When do you say it's too much? It's raining here since yesterday so this is exactly what I need -- some bright colors and more! Love yourself, love life. - Aya
WEAR WHO YOU ARE by ayapowers featuring clutch handbags Your clothes do not define you but your personal style does. So wear who you are. For the love of creativity, fun, style, expression, and of love -- Aya
<p><a href=''>View this collection on Polyvore</a></p> RING-ing by ayapowers on An accessory or jewelry can make or break an outfit and it would not hurt if you wear the right pieces WITH the right pieces. Featured in this Collection: RINGS Have fun and enjoy life! Remember to always choose your own battles! Love, Aya